Monday, September 10, 2012

[Kiriman] Hurt

to = you...

Do you know what love is?
No actually, I don't even know
I just don't know
My heart is hot, it's beating and I keep crying
What should I do?
Should I go to you and kneel before you?
I don't even know
I keep searching for you, running, walking
But I'm in the same place

Do not you love me- Do not want to forget
Though I try to start anew
It's not that easy
Our love, my memories, remembrances
I can't even hide it anymore

Forget the past days
We just need to watch over each other
We know now- we don't have to say it to know
We just need to shout everyday for the yesterdays that aren't far away
I'm sorry I couldn't speak- I love you

I tried calling multiple times
I worried about what I would say
Without me knowing
When I sleep and wake up,
I keep searching for you

Look at me, look at me right now
I changed so much that it's awkward but
Wait for me- let's not get too far apart
I will promise to the world in front of me

From = Anna

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